Lucille comes under the hammer for the finale





In the course of the series finale of the zombie series “The Walking Dead” (since 2010), you can bid on various props from the series until October 16 (02:00 a.m.) on the “Goldin” auction site. Among them is Negan’s (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) baseball bat, which has since become legendary. But it won’t be cheap: Lucille is currently bidding for $29,000.

Numerous “Walking Dead” items will be auctioned

The props auction also includes Daryl’s motorcycle (current bid: $11,000) or Michonne’s katana (current bid: $9,600). here be auctioned.

The auctioneer Goldin writes about Negan Smith’s baseball bat and his role in the series: “Negan has a real massive performance in the final episode of season 6 of ‘The Walking Dead.’ His iconic baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire was his most dangerous weapon.”

The Walking Dead series finale is fast approaching

The final part of the eleventh season of the series is launched on October 3, 2022 on Disney+ and ProSieben Fun. According to the company, this will be the last season of the series.




