Luca Parmitano, marriage to Marta Guidarelli: who is the second wife

Luca Parmitano’s second marriage celebrated last June 2 with Marta Guidarelli who works for Campari. He has two daughters with his first wife

Giacomo Martiradonna

Luke Parmitano, the first Italian soldier and astronaut to take a walk in space, has found his star; but not in the firmament. His name is Martha Guidarelli and he got married to her June 2 last. And making an exception to the usual confidentiality, she wanted to share this joy with her followers with a post and a romantic dedication: “Space is what unites us, not what separates us.”

astronaut and engineer

Born in Catania, Parmitano is an Italian astronaut who has participated in various missions on the International Space Station (ISS). Passionate about flight and space travel since childhood, he graduated in Aerospace Engineeringand in a short time it was selected by theEuropean Space Agency (ESA) as one of six new European astronauts.

Luca Parmitano’s first wife and daughters

In 2009 the marriage with first wife Kathy Dillow, with whom he had daughters Sarah and Maia. He is the first Italian ever to have played a extravehicular spacewalk and the first to have commanded the ISS. In 2013 Luca Parmitano participated in his first space mission, called Flyaboard the Russian shuttle Soyuz.

The Missions of Luca Parmitano

He spent six months on the ISS, where he performed various scientific experiments and made two spacewalks. The second, however, was interrupted early due to a serious emergency: Luca’s helmet filled with water due to a leak in the suit’s cooling system. So he almost drowned in space, but managed to get back to the station thanks to his cool head and the help of his colleagues.

Parmitano served as a flight engineer on the Station for Expeditions 36 and 37. His second mission was theExpedition 61which began on October 3, 2019 and ended on February 6, 2020. During this mission, it was the first Italian astronaut and the third European to command the ISS.

Who is Marta Guidarelli, wife of Luca Parmitano

Born in 1979 and head of human resources for the Campari group, Martha Guidarelli he is also a musician. He made his debut in 2015 in Cesena with a tribute to the Foo Fighters and since then he has been involved in sponsorship and fundraising for the Rockin ‘1000 project.

Orange flowers

The wedding was held in Sicily, Parmitano’s homeland. For yes, the commander has chosen Colonel’s uniform; the bride instead wore a classic white dress, with a veil and lace trim.
