Luca Lucci convicted of drug trafficking: 7 years at the head ultrà of Milan

For the Rossoneri “fan”, at the end of 2021, the handcuffs of the men of the mobile team of the Milan police headquarters were released. Many will remember the famous photo taken in the company of former interior minister Matteo Salvini in 2018

The ultra head of the Rossoneri’s Curva Sud, Luca Lucci was sentenced to 7 years in prison for drug trafficking. From the preliminary investigations, carried out by prosecutor Leonardo Lesti, it emerged that Lucci would have been at the top of an organization that had established relations with drug traffickers in Brazil and Morocco. The illegal activity was planned, however, without ever actively participating, but “by giving directions through the Encrochat software, installed on a cell phone” using “a Dutch telephone number”. As written in the order of the investigating judge Fabrizio Filice, the head of the Curva Sud, was registered on the encrypted chat system with the nickname ‘belvaitalia’,

The decision

The GUP of Milan Chiara Valori, in the trial with shortened procedure, decided to convict Lucci on the basis of the elements collected by the Prosecutor’s Office, while the other three defendants involved have negotiated sentences of between 2 years and 4 months and 3 years and 4 months.

The episode

In 2018 we remember the famous photo, taken on the occasion of the Curva Sud party at the Milan Arena, which portrayed Lucci himself in the company of Matteo Salvini, at the time Minister of the Interior. That greeting sparked much controversy. The ultrà milanista then ended up in prison last December on suspicion of drug trafficking.
