Luca Argentero turns 44, best wishes from Cristina Marino

B.uh birthday, Luca Argentero! Today, April 12, the Italian film star performs 44 years old. And the first wishes come via social media from his wife Cristina Marino. She that she didn’t just wish him happy birthday, but she took the opportunity to to declare to him, once again, all his love.

Luca Argentero and Cristina Marino, the romantic honeymoon on the Amalfi Coast

Luca Argentero, the social greetings of Cristina Marino

Two black and white shots of the couple during their last vacation in the Maldives, and a phrase that makes the most romantic dreaming. “Greetings to my husband. Best wishes to my daughter’s father. Wishes to the most powerful light I have ever looked at. Happy Birthday my love“. These are the words that Cristina Marino dedicated to her husband on a special day. Words that say a lot about the feeling that binds the two.

A golden moment

Luca Argentero

For the actor, this is a really good moment, both professionally and personally. After the success of the tv series Doc – in your handsis one of the protagonists of the series The ignorant fairies. And, away from the set, love with Cristina Marino is booming. As evidenced by the romantic Instagram posts shared by the couple.

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A social love

The two they met in 2015 on the film set Caribbean holidays and they have never parted since. In 2020 it was born their daughter, Nina Speranza, and in 2021 they are married. It is one of the most close-knit couples in the star system. But also of social networks. Just take a look at their Instagram profiles to understand the extent of their love … and the desire to share it. «Luca is Massimo. I fell in love with him too »wrote Cristina Marino commenting on the photo taken at the first de The ignorant fairies which he posted on his Instagram profile. “If I know what love is, it’s thanks to you»He wrote next to another photo of the couple. No less romantic are the posts dedicated by the actor to his wife. “I love everything of youHe wrote on the occasion of her birthday. “Heaven on earth” the caption next to a photo of mother and daughter. Words that make even the most skeptical ones believe in true love.

