L&T publishes first sustainability report

The Osnabrück fashion and sports store Lengermann und Trieschmann (L&T) has published its first sustainability report. It sets binding goals in six areas: climate neutrality, sustainable supply, logistics, infrastructure, social responsibility/fair working conditions and sustainable growth.

climate neutrality

As far as the first area is concerned, L&T wants to sustainably reduce its CO2 footprint by 2025 and achieve climate neutrality for the L&T company. In 2020, the company’s CO2 emissions to be taken into account were 2,042 tons.

“We will reduce this amount by at least 50 percent by the end of 2022. The reduction is achieved through active measures within the company and through compensation measures,” explains the L&T Group, which includes L&T Lengermann & Trieschmann Grundbesitz GmbH & Co. KG and L&T Markthalle GmbH & Co. KG.

Sustainable offer

In this area, the company would like to successively increase its proportion of sustainably produced fashion and retail goods and in 2020 adapted the ordering process and the data structure of its merchandise management software so that it can precisely record the proportion of sustainable fashion in the entire range in the 2021/2022 autumn/winter season can.

“For the future, the sustainable use of resources will play an even more important role for us. Season after season we increase the proportion of sustainably produced goods in our range. We have set out and we will not tire of demanding this from our manufacturers and brands,” promises L&T Managing Director Thomas Ganter.


As far as logistics are concerned, L&T wants to start with the production and delivery as well as with the packaging. Shipping packaging should be designed to be space-optimized in order to reduce empty volumes and transport journeys. Waste avoidance applies to product and shipping packaging without neglecting the requirements necessary for quality reasons. These should also consist of recycled, recyclable or renewable raw materials.

“With our manufacturing and delivery companies, we will develop solutions to optimize transport routes and reduce packaging and shipping materials. We will also hold talks to promote e-mobility and promote climate-neutral logistics,” explains the company.


A resource-saving, largely digital infrastructure is intended to reduce the planned amount of CO2 emissions at L&T. By 2024, the office building should therefore be climate-neutral and the vehicle fleet should be continuously converted to electric or hybrid vehicles. A project team will accompany the development and sensitize employees to the topic.

Image: L&T

Social responsibility/fair working conditions

As a responsible employer, L&T pays particular attention to occupational safety and equal rights in order to increase its attractiveness as an employer and to ensure the training of its own offspring. In the long term, the company also wants to motivate its suppliers and partner companies to ensure fair working conditions and to protect and promote their employees.

“We respect a culturally determined, regionally different way of dealing with these topics. However, we will actively address situations that do not appear appropriate to us. In addition, the attractiveness of Osnabrück and its city center is important to us,” says the company.

“For the next few years, we intend to work with the city to make the Osnabrück location even more attractive. The sustainable use of resources is also very important to me,” adds managing partner Mark Rauschen.

sustainable growth

Like many other retail companies, L&T had to accept a sharp drop in sales for stationary trade in 2020 due to the pandemic, which also had an impact on the first half of 2021. The company therefore wants to use the 2021 / 2022 financial year for economic consolidation in order to “build on old successes and tackle the current challenges” in the 2022 / 2023 financial year. An important prerequisite for this is the rebuilding of the workforce.

“In the long term, our aim is to set new, contemporary growth impulses so that the company can consolidate and expand its successful market position,” concludes the group.
