Loyalty, the trailer: on Valentine’s Day the Netflix series that will make us cry

No.etflix released the trailer for Fidelity, the second original Italian production to be launched in 2022 after 4 halves, available on Valentine’s Day. And the conditions at the moment are more than good.

Meanwhile, the screenplay is taken from the novel of the same name by Marco Missiroli, which in 2019 won the Young Witch Award and reached the final of the Premio Strega, later being translated into more than thirty countries. Then the fact that it could be one of the most successful and perfect series for the day of lovers, or for those who hope to become one.

Fidelity, the plot

At the center of the story there is a couple with his relationship: a situation certainly not new for series or comedies. But, after all, a subject we can keep looking at, and talking about, until the end of time.

Especially because the stability of the couple in question, interpreted on the screen by Michele Riondino And Lucrezia Guidone, is threatened by external stimuli, from other people. A common situation that brings with it an incredible amount of questions, to which it is clearly not easy to give univocal answers.

In the six episodes we will see the creative writing professor Riondino getting lost for one of his students and the architect and real estate agent Guidone thinks more and more of his physiotherapist. If this sounds like a familiar situation to you, and it probably is, you will be happy to celebrate Saint Valentine sharing your doubts and fears with the protagonists of the series.

Lucrezia Guidone and Michele Riondino in a scene from “Fidelity”. (Netflix)

Loyalty yes or loyalty no?

There are those who rotate around the loyalty to one’s partner a whole life and who, on the other hand, is more “secular” on the subject, it is certain that the word fidelity is at the center of many debates. And what is meant by fidelity? Physical, factual, or even spiritual loyalty, the communion of purpose?

In the series, the hope that the couple will not derail is closely linked to the prospect of a house to buy in Milan, the city where the series was filmed together with Rome and Rimini: a common goal capable of eliminating the desires and impulses towards other people who, after several years of relationship, are more than normal?

Carolina Sala and Michele Riondino. (Netflix)

The February 14 we will find out how the protagonists of the series have decided to behave, and perhaps someone will be able to find the answers to the questions that are asked every day about their relationship and maybe even about themselves. Yes, because the journey of the protagonists through all the nuances of the couple’s outfit, it will also be a path that will lead them to test their resistance to themselves and their ideas.

fidelity trailer plot episode netflix italian series

The trailer

From the trailer for Fidelity it is clear: Netflix has unlined heavy artillery for this production, asking an artist how Arisa to sign the soundtrack.

From the few minutes released today we have a taste only of the song Likely, but it is only part of the production set up for the series. The piece is written by Stefano Cipani, who di Fidelity he is also a director, from Arisa and from Mario Fanizzi, which also produced it. “Our shadows slide on the walls, which fall, which collapse»Sings Arisa in the excerpt of the song contained in the trailer, and who knows if the walls of the protagonists will not collapse too.



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