Lowest turnout in Marzahn-Hellersdorf

In most polling stations yesterday without long queues as in 2021

In most polling stations yesterday without long queues as in 2021 Photo: Christophe Gateau/dpa

By Stephen Peter

Elections are considered a celebration of democracy, but apparently not everyone in the capital wanted to celebrate. Only two thirds of Berliners cast their votes!

Around 2.4 million people were entitled to vote in the House of Representatives. The first forecasts from last night say: The turnout was only 63.5 to 65.0 percent.

The highest voter turnout was reported at 4 p.m. with 54.3 percent from Steglitz-Zehlendorf, the lowest from Marzahn-Hellersdorf with 44.8 percent.

In September 2021 it was still 75.7 percent city-wide – but at the same time the Bundestag was elected and the referendum “Expropriate Deutsche Wohnen & Co.” was voted on. In the 2016 election to the House of Representatives, turnout was 66.9 percent.

Possible reason for the lower interest: Frustration with the repetition of the breakdown election. In addition, yesterday was at times wet and cold weather – which should have kept some Berliners from going to the polling station.

State returning officer Stephan Bröchler (60) had already suspected a week ago that the turnout in 2021 was “extremely unlikely”.

And: “I wish for 70 percent, I would also be very satisfied if we could achieve 60 or 65 percent.” The goal was achieved. In this respect, at least Bröchler can be satisfied.


Berlin election topic of the month
