Love & gelato: an American in Rome between love and husbandry

Love & Gelato it’s a coming of age starring an American teenager struggling with her first lovethe elaboration of the mourningthe beauties of Rome, Italian cuisine and the discovery of a secret belonging to the mother’s past.

Available today on Netflix and based on the novel of the same name by Jenna Evans Welchit has all the ingredients sweet, light and bitter of a comedy teen suitable for this period when the disengagement is high. And it makes you want to go for a feast of ice cream with pistachio (you will understand why) and fresh cream of a typical husband Roman.

Love & Gelato: the plot

Lina (Susanna Skaggs) is a 17-year-old from New York who is in a complicated moment in her life: he just lost his mother. With her he had designed a trip to Rome. To honor that commitment she leaves for the Eternal City where she finds Francesca embracing her (Valentina Lodovini), the best friend of the mother since the time of her studies in Italy.

The girl she is disoriented, confused, but it will be the diary of those who generated her a drive it through those streetsthat unknown culture and above all to understand better herself. The words of her book lead her to discover the past sentimental of the mother, the first love (“That you never forget”), the passion for photography and so on. Lina will also have to deal with her first love.

In fact, along his path he meets Alexander (Soul Nanni), a rich, charming boy who would like to get away from the specter of a suffocating fatherAnd Lorenzo (Tobia De Angelis, brother of the most famous Matilda), an aspiring chef, completely different from Ale, less sophisticated, more authentic, as one would say in Rome. Lina discovers love and even better her mother and the emotions that ran through her as a girl.

Susanna Skaggs. (Netflix)

The postcard image of Rome

When the Americans start wandering the streets of Rome, they give back some a postcard image. And it also falls for it Brandon Campdirector of Something special with Jennifer Aniston and Aaron Eckhart. The director follows the stereotypical tracks of Eat, pray, love with Julia Roberts And To Rome with Love by Woody Allen.

In Love & Gelatoas soon as Lina lands in the city, she is carried on one 500 electricled by a reckless Valentina Lodovini, ai Imperial Forums. And there it is immediately love at first sight with the Eternal City. Inevitable the view on the Dome It is on Victorian at sunset. There are also piazza del Capitol with its fountainsThe Colosseum, the Capitoline Museums e the padlocks on the Federico Moccia bridges. A parenthesis of the tale is turned to Florence.

love and ice cream netflix movies

Tobia De Angelis and Susanna Skaggs. (Netflix)

Pistachio ice cream, a panacea for the mood

And the other topic so loved by Americans when they talk about Italy could not be missing: our food. Here we pass from the Roman pizza to the Maritozzo. Lorenzo conquers Lina making him taste one of the typical sweets of the capital of which she becomes very greedy.

But the highlight is the pistachio ice cream creamed by Lorenzo’s grandmother and made up of four ingredients plus a special one, impossible to recognize. For Lina it will be an overwhelming passion and a good for the mood. In short, the growth journey of the young protagonist is between love, food and the beauties of Rome, ingredients that cannot be missing in a US comedy filmed in Italy. Only the mandolin is missing.

