Love for FC Emmen is… getting a tattoo

Club love runs deep. As a supporter of FC Emmen, it is high time to seal that love, says Jan-Georg Ruiter. After the big celebration of the promotion last weekend, he gets his dream tattoo.

“Here he must come.” Jan-Georg Ruiter is standing in Tattoostudio Carolien in New Amsterdam. He pushes up the sleeve of his shirt. With his finger he sketches a rectangle on his upper arm. “About seven by ten centimeters.” This is about the logo of his beloved club FC Emmen. “I’ve wanted it for a long time. But now it’s really happening.”

Last week, Ruiter was still among the other hustling supporters to celebrate the secured place in the Eredivisie. He screamed hoarsely until the middle of the night. FC Emmen scarf around his neck, football shirt on. All that was missing was that tattoo.

Red and black ink, needles and disinfectant. Tattoo artist Carolien Jonker lays out her tools. She printed the FC Emmen logo on tissue paper. She knows what she’s doing. “I have already put several FC Emmen tattoos. Not only the club logo, but also the text ‘Here I come from’.”

Rider looks at the print that Carolien has made with the paper on his arm. “Nice!” The tattooing can begin.

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