Love drama about BVB star Mats Hummels escalates

BVB star Mats Hummels has been making headlines for months with rumors about his private life. There are now at least three women who play a role in the speculation about the Dortmund footballer – especially on social media.

It is disturbing news that Lisa Marie Straube is now reporting to her community. Your car was scratched – does that have something to do with the fact that the influencer sided with Cathy Hummels and publicly attacked Celine Bethmann?

Straube posts pictures of the scratched car

In your Instagram story until the very end you saw a video of Lisa’s blue car, which has some pretty bad scratches on the side. “And that, dear friends, is called resentment,” writes Mats Hummels’ alleged ex-flame about the clip.

Shortly thereafter, she shares a snapshot in which she shows the middle finger and which she comments with the words “Lovely greetings to the cardboard nose that was”.

It is not clear whether this incident is actually related to the fact that she commented on the Hummels drama of the past few days. But it’s apparently not the first time that Lisa has to deal with such things.

“I’m really starting to have the feeling that something new is waiting for me every day. Yesterday, we don’t want to talk about it any further, then today the car… And last night there was another incident at my house. But I think it’s not so smart to talk about it now,” Lisa explains to the followers. But now she doesn’t want to get angry about it and rather look forward to her upcoming vacation.

Lisa Straube is said to have dated Mats Hummels

Since it was reported last year that Lisa should be dating none other than Mats Hummels, who is still married, she has had to deal with the topic of hate again and again.

Whether and what happened between the two is not known to this day. Because both the kicker and his alleged flame had never commented on it.

Céline Bethmann, who is currently dating the footballer, is more talkative. In the “RTL” interview, she not only confirmed that she was meeting Mats, but also allegedly sent an article with her comments to his (still) wife Cathy.

An action that Lisa finds totally disrespectful and also publicly announced. She already hinted at getting “cheeky messages”. As I said, it is unclear whether her statement then also led to her scratched car.

Most recently, Céline Bethmann, the former winner of the TV show “Germany’s Next Top Model”, even went one step further. In her Instagram story she published alleged chat histories with Mats Hummels. She obviously wanted to prove that she had actually dated the 33-year-old in the recent past.

Cathy Hummels posts photos with Mats

And the third in the group, estranged wife Cathy Hummels? As if nothing had happened in the past few days, Cathy has now shared a few snapshots showing her with Mats and her four-year-old son Ludwig. The three of them are fooling around in the recordings – above all the two adults, who are beaming from ear to ear.

“It’s a good day to be a fun day,” the 34-year-old commented on her Instagram post on Monday evening. To do this, she uses the hashtag “#teamwork” and makes it clear once again: she and Mats are pulling together – come what may!

The two still do not respond to the rumors that they should be separated.

By the way, the fact that Cathy and Mats stick together and act as a team despite all the drama is really great for the users – just like little Ludwig, who can still count on both parents!
