love does have age

This week Ortega Cano demonstrated what the most rancid masculinity is by threatening his wifewho does not love him and who plans to separate from him, with his “semen of strength & rdquor; to try to fix their marriage. The man making it clear that, although they have been more than 20 years, he keeps his virility intact. A classic in relationships of this type.

When Henry Ponce48 years old, separated from dove caves he did it because he had fallen in love with Ana Soria, 21. Mick jagger six years of intense love with Melanie Hamrick. When they met he was 72 and his girl was 28. Twitter made us realize that Leonardo di Caprio is adding years while his partners never exceed 25. Kiko Matamoros He has announced a wedding with his girlfriend, Marta López. With the permission of my partner, remember that when they began their courtship, he was 62 and she was 22.

Relationships based on macho culture

If we look back, it is impossible to forget Julio Iglesiasthe gallant par excellence. At 40, he began a romantic relationship with Vaitiare, 17. Skimming the crossbar, go. We’ll leave Woody Allen for another chapter. In the documentary ‘Farrow versus Allen’ they explain that Mia Farrow’s adopted daughter was 16 years old and the director was 51 when they began their love story.

All these relationships men of more than adult age with post-adolescent girls They have filled countless headlines in the gossip press. What if “the most romantic photos of the vacations of so and so”, what if “the most passionate Christmas of what”, what if “the dream wedding of whoever”. Romanticism in abundance to continue nurturing relationships based on the macho culture. And journalists, much to our regret, have been accomplices for years. The time has come to say enough is enough and begin to question the framework from which some of these courtships that we extol as if it were a fairy tale start. Disney has not been a benchmark for a long time.

unequal relationships

Nobody says that Enrique Ponce should break up with Ana Soria and nobody doubts that Matamoros loves his girl. Neither individual feelings nor decisions are questioned. What we must question is the patriarchywhich is the frame of reference from which all these relationships start. They are not false relationships, they are unequal relationships. If Isabel Pantoja, with her 66 years, left Cantora to marry a 19-year-old boy, at least we would think that she has lost her mind and that he is interested.

That’s where all the doubts would begin. But when the man is the oldest, the mantra “love has no age” is repeated endlessly.. Machirulos have appropriated this phrase to justify that the age of their partners does not matter. What is not that, gentlemen! When we say that love has no age, it means that there is no age to fall in love. Even if you have 103 you can craze madly for someone.

That the social reflection offered by the gossip press is not to entertain

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As the writer Coral Herrera would say, “romantic love seriously harms equality & rdquor ;. That the social reflection that the gossip press offers us is not just to entertain. It should lead us to reflection. Trophy women not only have to be beautiful and slim but also young. With the story that we mature before, everything goes. Women are free and we can choose our partners, of course. But let us not lose the ability to ask ourselves why these elections are established and under what premises.

As mamarazzis we are responsible journalists, when a new couple appears on the social scene we will tell, inform and analyze it. And if that couple starts from a deep inequality, we will also say so. never quiet, although perhaps we would be prettier. But no, we are not going to shut up.
