Lovascio, from beach tennis to padel: “At the Major in Rome to … meet Totti”

Giulio, 22, from Apulia from Conversano, is one of the Italians already present in the tournament draw of the Foro Italico. He will play in the cup with Salvador Oria, number 51 in the ranking: “A great showcase, and if I meet Francesco …”

Francesco Pietrella

May 18
– Milan

A change of course be praised. “I was vice Italian Under 18 beach tennis champion, then I discovered padel”. Winning choice. Giulio Lovascio, 22, from Puglia from Conversano, near Bari, chose the ‘shovel’ without regret: “I come from tennis, like everyone else. I have a family club, but since after the lockdown I have chosen to devote myself to padel ”. On May 22nd he will be in Rome to participate in the first Italian Major of the Premier Tour, one of the four major events of the new world circuit. He will team up with the Spanish Salvador Oria, 25, number 51 in the ranking. They are already in the main draw: “To challenge Belasteguin would be a dream”.

Giulio, what do you do in life?

“I teach padel at the club. I am on the pitch 7-8 hours a day, then I train and study. I’m about to graduate in sports science. My father is a tennis teacher, I was second category, then I started playing padel. Everyone was talking about it, so I said to myself why not? Even if at the beginning I took it a bit like this… “.

“I didn’t want it to end like Beach tennis. After a few years the enthusiasm dropped, so I started playing tennis again. Then the padel. I played a few tournaments, then we chose to build a couple of fields and then yes, I started seriously there. I won the regional in Puglia and now I’m aiming to become a professional ”.

The Major of Rome can help.

“A great showcase. I owe it all to a trip to Valencia. There I met Oria, it was he who asked me to participate with him “.

What kind of player are you?

“I play on the left. My strong point is the speed of the game. I’m not very tall, I reach 1.80, but I’m 22 and I can improve a lot ”.

His idol, of course, is Belasteguin.

“And how could it be otherwise? ‘Bela’ is the Messi of padel, an icon of this sport. I watch his videos and his games all the time ”.

It is not the only reference, however.

“I go crazy for Francesco Totti, he is unique. If I support Rome it is thanks to him. Indeed, perhaps it is more correct to say that for a lifetime I have only supported Francesco ”.

For sure it will be at the Foro Italico, you know?

“Sure. He is a big fan of padel, he also has a field inside the house. I don’t know if he will also see the first rounds of the tournament, more likely he will see the final. It would be enough for me to make eye contact with him even once, hug him and say thank you. Would be a dream”.

In short, goals for the Major?

“Give 100% and leave the field knowing that you have given everything. Many will come from Puglia to see me, I want to make them proud of me “.
