Louis van Gaal informed of Janssen wedding during international matches | Football

The striker of the Mexican club Monterrey will be married on June 4 in the United States, a day after the match of the Dutch national team in the Nations League against Belgium. Nevertheless, national coach Louis van Gaal has included him in the pre-selection for the coming international period.

In two weeks, on May 27, Van Gaal will announce his roster for the Nations League games against Belgium (June 3 in Brussels), Wales (June 8 in Cardiff), Poland (June 11) and Wales (June 14). The last two games will be played in the Rotterdam Kuip.

Janssen was the most surprising name in the preliminary selection of thirty players that Van Gaal presented on Friday. The 27-year-old striker played his seventeenth and for the time being last international match at the end of 2017. At that time, Janssen was under contract with the English top club Tottenham Hotspur. He has been playing in Mexico since 2019.

“His wedding will certainly continue,” Janssen’s mother says to The Telegraph† “He has been busy organizing all this for a year. He found it a huge surprise that he has been selected for Orange again. But it’s just the pre-selection, so there’s no reason to worry about anything yet.”
