Lots of flavors and little coherence: approach Oosterduinen in Norg is a monster job

How do you get a divided forest area like the Oosterduinen in Norg on board the same transformation plan? That is a question to which the municipality of Noordenveld does not seem to have an answer.

This became apparent last night at a meeting in De Brinkhof, where about 120 residents came together to catch up on the progress of the forest redevelopment. In short, it concerns the transformation of recreational homes into permanent residence, making addresses for emergency services more visible, nature compensation in the forest and many other small ‘tasks’.

For about 30 years, homeowners in the Oosterduinen have been trying to get a permanent residential destination for their home. Although permanent residents have been living in the Norger forests for years, there is still a tolerance construction. In 2022, it has not yet been possible to change that destination.

Alderman Robert Meijer (VVD) has the task of guiding the process – together with project leader Erik Mosterman – in the right direction. But to do that, the municipality must first have a good discussion partner. Mosterman: “We want a single point of contact, with whom we as a municipality can consult. Preferably with a representation of the entire forest.”

But that’s difficult. The interests of homeowners and tenants are far apart. “There are so many flavors”, alderman Meijer sighs. “The only way to set up a good representation – a kind of Oosterduinenraad – is by voting people in such a council. Otherwise I see no possibility.”

There has been a group from the Oosterduinen that has offered the municipality its own ‘target image’ of the area. The so-called ‘Bosclub’ offered that target and the Noordenveld municipality published it on their site. But not everyone in the forest feels represented by that club, it turned out yesterday. Mosterman: “We would therefore like to emphasize that the Bosclub is not a formal party. We have published their target as a kind of example for other targets.”
