Lothar Matthäus sharply criticizes the DFB decision

The eagerly awaited debut of national coach Julian Nagelsmann is still accompanied by unpleasant background noises. The focus is primarily on the DFB, whose planning is viewed critically not only by the players.

“The trip makes no sense, especially in terms of timing,” complained record national player Lothar Matthäus on “Sky” about the national team’s trip to the USA, which will meet the USA and Mexico in the United States in the coming days.

“What the DFB has thought about again… the general calendar doesn’t actually allow for that,” Matthäus reacted with great incomprehension to the association’s (mis)planning, which in the eyes of the record national player made yet another mistake.

“Also: If I had a European Championship in Germany, my idea would have been to play one of these games in every stadium where I have the European Championship and just prepare the fans a little bit,” added Matthäus, who would have “stayed at home” with a view to the EM atmosphere.

Matthäus: BVB in particular is suffering

However, the great strain of travel is an even bigger thorn in Matthew’s side. “There has already been enough discussion about this. Especially at Borussia Dortmund on Friday evening [nach der Länderspielpause] play against Bremen. They don’t have the preparation they would like. But the DFB has decided again,” complained Matthäus.

National player Leon Goretzka had already criticized the trip to the USA on Sunday. This is already “extreme” at this point, said the Bayern professional, who finds another fly in the ointment: “What I personally find extremely unfortunate is that the second game is at 2 a.m. German time. You can’t do that I really understand it.”
