Lost my best friend too

Sarah van Soelen regrets that due to the breakup with André Hazes Jr. she has not only lost her beloved, but also her best friend. “He was a real friend to me too.”

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After Monique Westenberg and Bridget Maasland, it is the most famous Hazes ex: Sarah van Soelen. Although they are now quite old news she still makes the media every now and then. This is how she can be in weekly story moaning about their breakup from a year ago. The breakup that she is really over, as she constantly claims.

‘Lost best friend’

Does she still miss André? “It’s not that I miss him as a lover. Of course I was very sad about it, but that’s over now,” she says. “But he was also a buddy to me, we had that friendship for years. Then it is very annoying that you can no longer speak to someone.”

That would have been nice, Sarah continues. “If only to ask, ‘Hey, how are you?’ I also lost my best friend.”

No more contact

Does this mean she wants to get back in touch with André? “No, that’s not the case. As far as I’m concerned, that book is really closed now. And that’s not even all about him, but more about the people around Dré, who don’t want the best for him.”

She concludes: “Once you’re in that circle, I’ve noticed everything is expected of you. I don’t want anything to do with that anymore. And I hope that André will also choose for himself at some point.”
