‘Lost a lot of money last year’

Coen Swijnenberg has lost a terrible amount of money over the past year and a half on a number of wrong investments. “Hopefully things will turn out well,” said the radio millionaire.

© Radio 538

There are currently plenty of rumors about a lucrative transfer of Coen Swijnenberg and Sander Lantinga to the new radio station JOE. They would thus become the figurehead of this Qmusic sister. Of course, that includes a nice salary and that is not exactly inconvenient for Coen in particular.

Lost a lot of money

Coen has lost a lot of money lately, he admits in the Beau Monde. “A year and a half ago, after much deliberation, I thought: let me start investing. I had some savings and interest rates were low, so it seemed like a good time to get in.”

He continues: “It wasn’t, because from that moment on, almost all investments have decreased in value. I don’t lose sleep over it, because hopefully it will turn out well. But in retrospect it was not such a useful action.”

Big spender

Very annoying, because Coen says he is a… big spender is. “I don’t really have a problem with that, it’s just money. I don’t throw it away, but I spend it quite easily on things that are close to my heart. The biggest expense is travelling, which is a huge passion of mine.”

He continues: “I enjoy going to unknown places in the world and getting to know other cultures. Away from the beaten track, far from the tourist crowds, see how the locals really live. That’s not something I’ll be cutting back on anytime soon. My girlfriend and I occasionally seek out luxury during such trips.”

On to JOE

Radio columnist Patrick Kicken had the scoop on the alleged radio transfer from Coen and Sander to JOE. The AD is now also making a big deal out of it. “The two are in the picture to make radio together again five days a week in the morning,” the newspaper said.

How does JOE respond to that? A spokesperson in the newspaper: “Coen and Sander would be a good fit for JOE, but we make no statements about conversations that take place behind the scenes. If something is final, we will announce it through a nice press release.”
