Lose weight without dieting or quit smoking effortlessly? Yvonne will help you with this

What if there was a simple way to lose weight without dieting? Or an easy treatment to stop smoking and avoid withdrawal symptoms? Which can! Yvonne Bakker from Make It Easy has a special method to help you. She does auriculo or ear acupuncture. “I have been helping people from all over the Netherlands with this for almost thirty years,” says Yvonne.

Yvonne herself has benefited a lot from auriculo. She once smoked about 50 cigarettes a day. “How the body and mind function has always intrigued me. I was a nurse and did the general auriculo training. The teacher told me that if I wanted to go into the profession, I really had to stop smoking. And thanks to four shots I got rid of my addiction.”

The best combination

In her practice, Yvonne knows that how you deal with food or smoking goes further than the dots she puts in your ear. “You can only tackle the physical part. But if you don’t stop thinking about yourself, it feels like you’re denying yourself things. I also did the Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) training and I studied EQ (emotional intelligence) and psychology. That combination ensures the best results.”

How does auriculo work? There are all kinds of energy channels in your ear. Yvonne uses a device to place four small pins in and around your ear called dots. You feel no pain and you can hardly see the dots. When losing weight, they ensure faster fat burning and that you no longer have an appetite for sweet and lots of food. When you stop smoking, they counteract your need for nicotine and sweets.

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In the past decades, thousands of people stopped smoking permanently thanks to Yvonne | Photo: Make It Easy

Multiple generations

At 78 years old, Yvonne is far from ready for her retirement. “I have enjoyed doing this work for almost thirty years. I enjoy making others happy by helping them to quit smoking or to lose weight† When they come back and tell me how satisfied they are, it makes me feel good.”

“Many of my clients come through-via. For example, I recently treated someone whose father I helped stop smoking 19 years ago.”

Free training

Do you want to know whether Yvonne’s treatment is something for you? Then follow her group training for free. “It takes about an hour to an hour and a half. This will give you tips to help you. Only when you are convinced will I put the dots that belong to the treatment.”

“If you want to stop smoking, the nicotine will be out of your body after four days. A return session will then follow. After a few weeks of not smoking, you will already have your money out. I give you a lifetime guarantee.”

Yvonne: “If losing weight is your goal, you continue until you have reached your goal. On average you need four sessions to familiarize yourself with your new eating pattern. You can eat whatever you want, but you will find yourself wanting different things. You also receive the special training book for both quitting smoking and losing weight.”

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quit smoking lose weight no diet region Zoetermeer Weteringen - Make It Easy Yvonne Bakker
You successfully lose weight without lines thanks to Yvonne | Photo: Make It Easy

Eureka feeling

With new insights you can face the future with confidence. “I hope to give people the eureka feeling,” says Yvonne. “Instead of ‘I can’t’ I want you to ‘I can yet not’ thinks. You have your life in your own hands. With a few simple steps you can achieve what you want deep down.”

make an appointment

Are you curious about what Yvonne can do for you? Create for free an appointment for one of her training evenings and quickly stop your unhealthy habits! Many health insurers reimburse the treatments. Make It Easy has a beautiful practice in The Glass House in Wateringen, a ten-minute drive from Zoetermeer. Let yourself be surprised!
