Lose Weight: How Many Calories Do You Burn Riding?

Horseback riding is healthy for body and mind. And yes, you can certainly burn a lot of calories with it. We tell you how much.

Horse riding

Opinions on horseback riding as an active sport are divided. Are you sitting alone? Still, you need a pretty good condition to practice horseback riding. Horseback riding causes an increased heart rate, which promotes fat burning. You also train quite a few muscles with it.


While riding, you continuously tighten your stomach. That is why it is a good sport if you want a flat stomach. When you ride a horse, you always shift your weight from one hip to your other hip, so that you also train your oblique muscles. In addition, horseback riding gives you muscular thighs and calves.


Whether you lose weight, of course, depends on what you eat. Most importantly, you burn more calories than you take in. To build muscle, it is important that you take enough protein.

How many calories?

How many calories you burn riding depends on how long you ride in a row and how much you weigh. View here how many calories you burn with 1 hour of riding:

50 kilos: 168 kcal

60 kilos: 202 kcal

70 kilos: 235 kcal

80 kilos: 269 kcal

90 kilos: 302 kcal

100 kilos: 336 kcal

Do you want to calculate the number of calories at a different duration and weight? then click here

lose 10 pounds

The editors of horses asked sports physiologist Dr Eric van Breda how long you have to ride a horse to lose 10 kilos. “One gram of fat contains 9 Kcal. So if you want to lose ten kilos of fat, you have to burn 10 times 1000 times 9 is 90,000 Kcal,” says Eric. If you weigh 60 pounds and burn 202 calories per hour riding, you will need about 445 hours of riding to lose 10 pounds. At 90 kilos, that is 298 about an hour.

Samantha Steenwijk is not only crazy about horse riding, she also claims that she has lost a lot of weight with it:

Source: horsesBurning caloriesBodyenpowershop

Lose Weight: How Many Calories Do You Burn Riding?Image Getty Images

Apr 28, 2022
