Lorenzo Milesi, the 2002 that makes Italy dream of cycling

Bergamasco, he is in the youth team of the DSM and recently won 2 times in Belgium: Bennati has already called him in blue

Its history is somewhat reminiscent of Remco Evenepoel, who passed from football – with excellent results – to cycling. Lorenzo Milesi also followed the same path. “I got on my bike on 19 June 2018, I had broken the ligaments in my ankle playing football and I changed sports by switching to cycling – he told tuttobiciweb.it -. The first race among the students with the Brembillese Pedal, in Nembro (Bg) in mid-July, very demanding but I had finished well in 25th place ”. In football he had played with the San Pellegrino shirt up to the Allievi category.


Now, Lorenzo Milesi is 20 years old. He has recently completed them: last March 19, the day of the last Milan-Sanremo. Bergamasco from San Giovanni Bianco, an only child, Milesi runs for the youth team of a WorldTour team, the DSM. And he has already been called by the coach Daniele Bennati to compete among the greats: he was in blue at the Per Semper Alfredo on March 20. Last week, Milesi stood out by winning two races in Belgium in a 2.2 category race, Le Triptyque des Monts et Chateaux: his one of the fractions in the line and also the 14 km time trial, in addition to the final classification of the mountain. His limits are still to be discovered.


Following him closely, as an agent, Giuseppe Acquadro: the Biellese assists some of the best runners in the world, see Bernal, Quintana and Carapaz. And he often sees us ‘long’: for example he was the first to believe in the qualities of a certain Michal Kwiatkowski, then winner – among other races – of the World Championship and of Sanremo. And the coach Bennati also says: “Milesi really has a great engine”.
