Lord, why don’t we get any corona bonuses?

Around 300 teachers are protesting in front of the main administration of the Evangelical Church in Berlin in Berlin-Friedrichshain.

The teachers of the Evangelische Schulstiftung in Berlin and Brandenburg are outraged: their Corona special payment of 1,300 euros has still not been paid to them.

And because praying no longer helps here, around 300 teachers moved to the main administration of the Evangelical Church Berlin-Brandenburg-schlesische Oberlausitz (EKBO) on Wednesday. As the sponsor of 31 schools and 17 after-school care centers, the EKBO employs over 1,200 people.

Pascal B. (28, left) from Treptow, history and religion teacher: “We do the same work.  So there has to be equal treatment.
Pascal B. (28, left) from Treptow, history and religion teacher: “We do the same work. So there has to be equal treatment.” Leonie T. (27) from Steglitz is a teacher of English and biology: “Am I worth 1,300 euros less than other teachers because I work for a school sponsored by the Evangelical Church? We demand the same salary for the same work” (Photo: Christian Lohse)

“As has now become known, the Evangelical Church in Berlin-Brandenburg is preventing the payment on the grounds that it is not technically possible for the hired personnel service provider,” says Klaus Harke (54, teacher for history, politics and sport), board member of the general employee representation school foundation.

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►Again! Warning strike by employed teachers in Berlin

►Parents’ representatives accuse the Berlin Senate of downplaying the situation in schools

The unions GEW, GKD and Verdi are currently in collective bargaining with the Evangelical Church. Last year they had already agreed on the 1300 euro corona premium for all teachers for all federal states. The special payment is largely refinanced by the Berlin Senate and the state of Brandenburg.

Klaus Harke (54), teacher of politics, history and sports: “The school foundation should do everything in the sense of an appreciative personnel policy so that the regional church does not continue to block this one-off payment of 1300 euros” (Photo: Christian Lohse)

Now time is running out, because the money can only be paid out tax-free to the employees until the end of March. The bonus has already been transferred to the employees of other free schools, such as Catholic educational institutions.

Teacher Harke: “The church and foundation accept that their employees are financially worse off. That can not be.”
