Looting and falling retail sales – associations call for government help

The riots that broke out in Nanterre after the death of 17-year-old Nahel are also affecting French retail. Sales are down and retailers are dealing with significant damage from looting. Several retail associations are therefore calling on the French government to provide support.

A statement from the French trade association Alliance du Commerce said many shops were vandalized and looted and others had to close their shops early. Overall, sales are down two to three percent, but in some places the damage is much greater. In several Paris districts, sales have fallen between 19.5 and 34 percent. In the city centers of other French cities, sales have also fallen sharply. The decrease is 36 percent in Strasbourg, seven percent in Marseille, 20.8 percent in Grenoble and 35.3 percent in Arras.

Since the riots that broke out coincided with the sale, the Alliance du Commerce also sounded the alarm. The organization reports that a quarter of all sales during the sale are typically made in the first five days.

Alliance du Commerce believes retailers shouldn’t have to foot the bill for these riots. The organization is demanding compensation from the government. The organization is also asking the government if shops can open on Sunday, July 9 under safe conditions to make up for lost sales as soon as possible.

The French clothing federation is also asking the government to ensure that insurance companies cover all damages. Even if the companies are not insured against operating losses. The association also requires companies that are temporarily unable to open their shops to be able to temporarily send their staff on vacation.

This translated and edited post previously appeared on FashionUnited.nl.
