Looking for young people and travelers who want to help decide on the future of Schiphol

From now on, young people and travelers will have to participate in decisions about Schiphol’s plans for the future. The new Schiphol Social Council (MRS) calls on youth organizations to register and is also diligently looking for clubs that can represent the interests of air travelers. The MRS is the successor to the Schiphol Environment Council (ORS), which mainly consists of residents who advocate fewer flights.

The Schiphol Local Council not only included residents’ representatives, but also Schiphol itself, Air Traffic Control the Netherlands (LVNL), KLM, the North Holland Environmental Federation, VNO-NCW, 56 municipalities and four provinces, who held endless meetings about Schiphol and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management had to advise.

In the end, there was no longer any cooperation. The residents, interest groups, the aviation sector, and the local and regional authorities mainly got into each other’s hair. The goal of advising the cabinet on a new maximum number of flights at Schiphol was not achieved. The ORS was depleted. A new form of consultation was decided upon.

Without heavyweights

And so the Social Council Schiphol arises from the ashes of the Environment Council. This time without Schiphol, KLM, LVNL, municipalities and provinces. From 1 July, only residents and interest groups led by chairman Eddy van Hijum will put their heads together, without the heavyweights from aviation and governments. They find their way to the ministry on their own.

What is new is that scientific experts are also added to the MRS, with disciplines such as nature, environment, health, economy, mobility, participation or aviation. In addition, the new council also wants to involve representatives who represent the interests of travelers and young people.

Chairman Eddy van Hijum explains why young people should also join the MRS. The article continues below the video.

The search for travellers’ representatives will be quite a challenge for Van Hijum and his MRS. The Netherlands does not have an outspoken association of air travelers, as Rover is for users of public transport. The ANVR, the representative of travel organizations has shown interest, but it mainly represents the travel industry and not the travelers themselves.


“The MRS will really become a council for residents’ organizations and social interest groups that have a relationship with the quality of the living environment at Schiphol,” says Van Hijum. “We invite all residents’ organizations to join.” The residents will have ten representatives on the council. You can register until May 28. The selection will then take place and the MRS can start work from July.
