LOOK. Woman demands 50,000 euros from Disney after ‘painful wedgie’ | Abroad

Disney is being sued after a water slide at Walt Disney Parks and Resorts allegedly caused an “injurious wedgie.” The visitor in question is not happy with the painful souvenirs she was left with from her park visit and is demanding compensation of almost 50,000 euros.

The painful incident took place in 2019 when the McGuinness family visited the ‘Humunga Kowabunga’ water slide during a visit to Walt Disney World in Florida. The slide, which Disney describes on its website as a “nearly vertical, 5-story drop into the dark,” descends 700 feet (214 meters) before finally plunging visitors into the water. But 30-year-old Emma McGuinness was left with a painful experience during her birthday outing. She filed a lawsuit against Disney last week claiming the park knew, or should have known, about the risk of painful wedgies on the slide, especially for women.

Serious internal injuries

When McGuinness slid down the slide and hit the water at the bottom, her swimsuit was pressed between her legs, forcing the water “forcibly into her.” According to the complaint, she had severe internal pain and blood was pouring from between her legs. Court documents show McGuinness suffered “serious and permanent physical injuries including severe vaginal lacerations, a deep cut that caused a piece of intestine to protrude through her abdominal wall and damage to her internal organs.”

“When a slide visitor reaches the bottom of the attraction and falls into the pool of water designed to stop further movement, the force of the water can push loose clothing into a person’s anatomy, an event known as a ‘wedgie’ “, the complaint said. “Due to a woman’s anatomy, the risk of a painful ‘wedgie’ is greater and more serious than in a man.

50,000 euros

The McGuinness family is claiming damages of almost 50,000 euros, excluding interest and costs. The suit alleges that Disney “was negligent and breached its duty of reasonable care” by failing to provide protective clothing (such as shorts) for the slide, by failing to warn McGuinness and other women of the risks and by other shortcomings in design and safety.

McGuinness allegedly assumed the correct position by sliding down with her ankles crossed “as instructed,” according to the complaint. She allegedly became airborne near the end of the slide and crashed into the slide, “increasing the likelihood of her legs becoming loose or otherwise exposing her to injury.” This is what the indictment states.

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