LOOK. American shoots 30 times at man who comes to clean swimming pool: no charges | Abroad

No fewer than 30 bullets flew around Karl Polek (33) while he was doing his normal job. The shooter is not facing any charges against his leg. How is that possible, you ask? The incident takes place in the US state of Florida, where rather separate laws apply.


Latest update:
30-06-23, 15:25

CNN, HuffPost

We return to June 15 when Polek (33) comes to clean a swimming pool in a garden in Dunedin around 9 pm. He is behind schedule, and does not inform residents Bradley Hovecar (57) and his wife Jana. When they see the man in their yard, the retired army lieutenant grabs an AR-15 rifle while his wife calls the police. The man hides behind his seat and fires two shots through his closed curtains.

The images show how Polek is shocked and runs for his life. He sustains minor injuries from the broken glass. 47 seconds later, Hovecar fires another 28 bullets.

Stand your ground

Sheriff Bob Gualtieri calls it “a classic example of the ‘stand your ground’ law,” which allows residents to shoot at anyone they suspect poses a threat. “It’s one of those situations that we lawful (legal) but awful (horrible),” he says. “He was in his house, defending himself against what he thought was an intruder trying to get into his house, where he and his wife were. It was an unfortunate coincidence.”

Gualtieri seems to blame Polek for the incident. “We talked to the pool guy,” said the sheriff. “In hindsight, he probably should have let them know when he came at 9pm. But he had told them nothing at all.”

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In this screenshot you can see the first bullet flying through the window. © screenshot
