Long-term projects after the age of 50

Antonella Baccaro (photo by Carlo Furgeri Gilbert).

V.ale is it worth wearing braces at fifty? The question is less trivial than it seems. I noticed this from the dozens of comments she was greeted with on my lonely soul forum.

The question has all the characteristics to become existential if we associate it with the idea that 50 years are a watershed.

So, does it make sense to straighten our teeth when the time that separates us from the moment when we will have to change them en masse is approaching?

If this reasoning applies to the teeth, it works even more for the psyche. And then the question becomes: at 50 do you need to go to the psychologist?

There are those in the forum who cut it short: «Fifty years is an age in which we reap, not sow. Psychologists should “delude” less. When there are no solutions, we work on acceptance ».

A reasoning that could apply to everything: from the teeth up. And indeed there are those who dedicate themselves to listing the things we should make peace on:

  • a) have children (women);
  • b) make a career; b-bis) find a decent job (for those who are rescued);
  • c) buy a house (unless you have immediate and substantial liquidity);
  • d) find great love (you can get someone to be company);
  • e) make true friends (friendship takes time and spontaneity, which we don’t have at 50);
  • f) look younger (cosmetic surgery never!).

The list, to which I would add “touching your toes with your legs stretched out”, is disheartening. All long-term goals pay for it. But is the prospect really that sad?

“You can do everything in life, even orthodontics at the age of fifty – a dentist pragmatically intervenes -. Provided that there is a healthy dentition also from a periodontal point of view ».

The advice is also good for everything else, suitably extended seems to suggest that, net of what nature no longer allows us (having children), everything else is achievable. It is enough to have done what at 50 you should have concluded: to lay solid foundations.

Whether it’s skills, money, relationship skills, the difference is what we put aside at 50. For everything else there are filters on the mobile.

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All articles by Antonella Baccaro

