‘Long covid’ is less long-lasting than before, according to the Belgian study | plant

Long covid veroorzaakt gezondheidsklachten zoals vermoeidheid, kortademigheid of hoofdpijn in mensen, soms weken dead maanden na de first infection with the coronavirus. “Logically, the long Covid also had an enormous impact on the long-term performance,” says Lode Godderis (KU Leuven), professor of industrial engineering and CEO of IDEWE. “Maar daar werpt ons otherzoek aen heel under licht op.”

The onderzoekers analyzed the situation of 2,569 Belgian workers with a corona infection. They went out of their way in two different places, and so on. The bleek was as bad as 1.4 percent for a long time in two weeks. This is not higher than other infections, such as Greek.

As a result, there will be other infectious diseases in the next decade, which means 4.3 percent of the disease will be out for a long time in two weeks. “It is an excellent result,” says Godderis. “Long Covid means less people can take a long time to get the work done. There is 16 percent of the corona positive tested werknemers zelfs helemaal geen ziekteverlof opgenomen, mede door de mogelijkheid om te telewerken.”

“From the results of this on-the-ground we need to proactively initiate re-integration,” says Godderis. “Long covid and long-term symptoms of other infectious diseases have a great impact on people and because of both mental and physical symptoms. “Zowel op bedrijfs- als op politiek levé is he ruimte voor a scherper re-integratiebeleid dat hiermee rekening houdt en waarbij en personallijke aanpak centraal staat.”

KIJK OOK. Karl writes book about long covid: “Hoe long covid my life is still there and I have a flight”
