Lola Odusoga takes a firm stance on Alfa-TV’s bankruptcy: “Everyone suffers”

Presenter Lola Odusoga commented on the channel’s bankruptcy on her Instagram account, and how it feels to be without a salary.

In her Instagram comment, the model and presenter directly comments on the problems of the TV industry. Jenni Gästgivar / Iltalehti

Model and presenter Lola Odusoga takes a firm stance on the bankruptcy of the Alfa-TV channel. In his Instagram post, the presenter, who has been in the TV industry for a long time, criticizes the channel and the pay system in the TV industry in general.

In his publication, Odusoga says that he has been doing gigs in the fashion and entertainment industry since 1995. Despite numerous programs and productions, he has not always received the agreed salary.

– I really haven’t always received my money, and there have been collections and whatnot, and there have also been companies that have gone bankrupt, Odusoga begins.

If you don’t see the publication, you can view it from here.

The 1996 Miss Finland winner hosted the Syksyn Sävel program for Alfa-TV.

On Friday, the Alfa-TV channel announced that it was closing its operations. The background company’s board stated that all capital has been lost and the company is insolvent.

– The latest surprise for the end of the year is Alfa-TV. In practice, I did all of my TV shows this year for free: three live Autumn Tune broadcasts, the presenter blows like the others in the program.

Odusoga wonders why problems with salaries are so common for people in the entertainment industry.

According to him, the industry sometimes wishes that well-known authors would do their work for free, i.e. as charity. The presenter says that he would have liked to do this, but sometimes the unpaid gig has come as a surprise on the spot.

– They have been enraged when they have even dared to ask about the rewards, he emphasizes.

According to him, the biggest problem in the TV industry is that if someone doesn’t agree to come without pay, another actor is hired instead. The cycle of unemployment continues.

At the same time, vague work tarnishes the reputation of good productions and creators.

– Everyone suffers, he sums up his thoughts.

According to Odusoga, it’s better to be different in the production side of the TV industry than as a performer. Inka Soveri
