Lol 3, who are the comedians of the 2023 season -iO Donna

D.after the success of the first two seasons, Prime Video announces i contestants in the cast of Lol 3. 10 leading names in Italian comedy, between historical faces and new recruits, who clash with gags. L’release of the third season from Who laughs is out will be available on the platform in 2023.

Lol 3the cast of the new season

The actors chosen to be part of the program are: Herbert Ballerina, Fabio Balsamo, Luca Bizzarri, Cristiano Caccamo, Paolo Cevoli, Marta Filippi, Nino Frassica, Paolo Kessisoglu, Brenda Lodigiani and Marina Massironi. The management is entrusted, once again, to Fedez. For the second consecutive year he will be joined by co-host Frank Matanoalready competitor of the first season.

Herbert Ballerina is Maccio Capatonda’s companionwinner of the last edition. Fabio Balsamo comes on The Jackalthe collective of which it is also a part Ciro Priellowinner of the first. Luca Bizzarri and Paolo Kessisoglu they need no introduction. It will be interesting to see them at work in an unusual context compared to what they have accustomed their audience to.

Cristiano Caccamo, 33, is one of the most appreciated actors by the new generations. In his palmarès, dozens of films and seriesamong which You can kiss the groom, Under the Riccione sun, To launch from the Stars, Don Matteo 11 And Summertime. Yet, Paolo Cevoli. Born in 1958, he is one of the comedians who have made the history of Zelig.

In the new season also Nino Frassica and Brenda Lodigiani

Marta Filippion the other hand, she is 27 years old, she is a voice actress and has received a good response on social networks thanks to some parodies funny. Nino Frassica is one of the most loved comedians on the Italian scene. Every Sunday in What’s the weather like gives pearls imbued with wisdom and nonsense, inducing reflection. Currently he is also busy with The collegewhere he plays the role of narrator.

The cast of “LOL 3”: The 10 comedians, the host Fedez and the co-host Frank Matano. (Prime Video)

Brenda Lodigiani is one of the new generation who are starting to make their way. Actress and imitator, she recently participated in Naked for lifeon Rai 2. In the past, he was part of the cast of Those who footballuntil its closing Last but not least, Marina Massironi. Among his latest works, the two seasons of Summertimeon Netflix. Lol 3 it is the first program in 21 years. The last experience dates back, in fact, to 2001 with The eighth dwarf.

The format remains unchanged. For 6 long hours, the contestants are locked inside a theater. The goal is to resist not only the loud laughter, but also a simple hint of a smile. The difficulty in dealing with the permanence is accentuated by the multiple numbers and gags proposed, from time to time, by the individual comedians. Whoever laughs is out and, one after the other, the contestants fall like pins and have to leave the studio. The winner is whoever manages to beat the competition and, above all, to resist the temptation to laugh.

