Lock gates at Grave are malfunctioning again, shipping has to take a detour

Once again there is a problem in the lock at Grave on the Maas. According to Rijkswaterstaat, this is due to a broken cylinder. Shipping is blocked and has to take a detour for several days.

A diver and a technician have investigated the lock gate, Rijkswaterstaat writes. The inspection shows that a cylinder needs to be replaced.

The outage is expected to last several days. Ships must detour through the Weurt lock.

21 ships
Last Monday, ships were also unable to use the lock in the Maas near Grave for 24 hours. The lock gates were not working at the time.

21 ships waited for hours on both sides of the bridge. That malfunction was resolved on Tuesday afternoon. It is unclear whether this is the same door.


Lock gates malfunctioning at Grave: shipping traffic underway
