Local residents Wolfsbos Hoogeveen make acting debut in De Tamboer

All these stories are given a place at various locations in the building of De Tamboer. A guide takes the visitors on a journey. You walk through the corridors of the building and see dancing people. Then you enter a dressing room where music is played. If you walk down the stairs, you end up in the main hall where a play is being performed. “The guide also comes from Wolfsbos himself and tells about everything that can be seen,” says the project leader.

De Tamboer also sees the project as a solution. “They actually do what we want, but cannot do,” says Pieter-Bas Rebers, director of the theater. “We would like to get in touch with people outside the organization. We are good at theatre, receiving people and showing what can be done within the walls, but it does not fit our capacity to have these kinds of conversations. let’s hear what’s going on and what’s going on.”

The Tamboer’s wish is to get more connections with neighborhoods and villages. Wolfsbos is one of the places where, according to Rebers, there is still considerable profit to be made. “You know where the most and least audiences come from, people live in Wolfsbos and South who have never seen the inside of the theatre. ‘Theatre has thresholds’, I sometimes hear. I don’t think so, but it often has to do with ignorance. The question is always: how do you reach the audience. Should we program or communicate differently? Let this be a start.”

If it is a success, the organization hopes to get started in the other districts of Hoogeveen as well. “We certainly want that. Maybe Krakeel or South are nice neighborhoods to explore. We’re going to find out,” says De Jong. The first performance has now passed. Friday evening and Saturday evening are the last sessions.
