Local residents of Tuindorp Coevorden: ‘Nuisance and fear are increasing’

Following the signals, councilors Ton Soppe (BBC2014) and Jerry Stoker (PAC) ask the mayor and aldermen for clarification. With a list of written questions, the two identify the problems that local residents experience. The council members also want to know, among other things, whether there is any nuisance when parties are held in the building of the Neighborhood and Playground Association (BSV) and whether it is true that in the past harmful materials were regularly burned during New Year’s Eve. .

‘There are more signals in the neighborhood’

Soppe: “It is clear that these local residents are fed up with the situation and that there is a feeling of insecurity.” Stoker: “We have now spoken to a large number of people in the neighborhood and it is clear that there are more signals. We are concerned about this.” He does not anticipate what exactly should be done about the problems. “We will first await answers to our questions.”

Neighborhood association: ‘Conversation with councilors soon’

In anticipation of answering the council questions, the municipality of Coevorden does not want to respond to the situation in Tuindorp at this time, spokesperson Jeroen Grendelman said. The Tuindorp neighborhood association also does not want to respond yet. “We will soon have a conversation with the council members, we would like to wait for that conversation first,” says a spokesperson for the association.
