Local residents complain about rally team test drive on public roads

Local residents complain about rally team test drive on public roads

It is a so-called adjustment drive where they test the rally cars. But as a result, a dozen families and farmers have been cut off from their homes, they say. According to the organization, there was consultation and they are also doing everything they can to limit the nuisance.

An English rally team will test four cars tomorrow in these streets in Kruiseke, part of Wervik. This is the case from morning to evening, causing nuisance to a dozen local residents and farmers.

Complaints last year

It is already the third year in a row that the city of Wervik has granted a permit for such an adjustment run. Although there were already complaints last year.

The organization informs us that they informed every local resident with a letter and that there is also consultation. For example, if they want to leave their house, the test pauses for a while. Also around four o’clock after school. But for farmer Geert that is not enough:

“The organization says they will let us through, but I can’t drive back and forth here for four or five hours tomorrow, I don’t think that will be good. I hear the road crossing or passing, that’s possible, but driving back and forth that won’t work, they have a police warrant that they can,” it sounds.
