Local residents celebrate victory: no wind turbines at Noorder IJplas

Party with the residents of the Zijkanaal H-weg. A majority of the Provincial Council is against the three wind turbines that were to be built near the Noorder IJplas. Local residents have been against the plan for years. “We fought for so long, had so much stress and tension.”

The mills had to provide more than 20,000 households in Amsterdam with electricity. Yet local residents have been fighting against the plans for three years because of the expected nuisance. The mills would be almost two hundred meters high: “Two hundred meters, that’s unimaginable,” says Martijn van Beenen of the Noorder IJplas residents’ association.

Another resident says: “The cast shadow has not been calculated properly either. And with a height of two hundred meters, Schiphol also suffers from all the red lights at night. It is not just about the dike residents, but about the larger area.”


Councilor Zita Pels, who is responsible for the energy transition in the city, is disappointed. She finds it incomprehensible that the Provincial Council has decided today not to agree. She responds in a written response to AT5: “Inappropriate because the parties that voted against do not seem to have any interest in the fact that the permit requirements have been met and it has been a very secure process. Incomprehensible because the message is that we have everything in mind. to do everything we can to protect our city and province against climate change seems to have completely passed them by.”
