Local residents are tired of years of building an immense villa Cristiano Ronaldo: ‘Looks like a hospital, so big’ | Foreign football

With a closet from a villa in his home country, Cristiano Ronaldo (38) is already thinking about the days after his career, but the construction of it is not without worries. CR7 is also feeling the rising building prices, construction is delayed and… the neighbors are upset about the home of the Portuguese star footballer. “They have been building for three years now, the street has been closed for months and my garden is full of dust. All through the pyramid of the pharaoh Ronaldo.”

The land purchased by Ronaldo is located in rural Quinta da Marinha, in Sintra-Cascais Natural Park. It is known for its beautiful views of the Atlantic Ocean, pristine surfing beaches, the best seafood restaurants and – convenient for its partner Georgina (29) – a luxurious shopping centre. He can also easily travel to Lisbon: there he has two apartments that are known as the most expensive in the Portuguese capital. (see below).

The gigantic villa is to become the home of Ronaldo and his family after his football career. His drive for perfection regularly resulted in adjustments to the original plan of the house. Partly because of this, construction is experiencing significant delays: construction has been going on for three years and should normally have been completed in July, but it will probably take another year before the house is finished.

Illustration of what Cristiano Ronaldo’s villa should look like. © rv

Ronaldo's villa.
Ronaldo’s villa. © rv

Moreover, the villa causes dissatisfaction among the local residents. The Portuguese magazine Look could one of them speak. “We are gradually fed up. They have been building for three years now, the street has been closed for months and my garden is full of dust. All through the pyramid of the pharaoh Ronaldo. The house is so big it could be a hospital. Moreover, it is so high that he can look into the garden of many of us.”

During construction, Ronaldo also had to deal with increasingly expensive prices. Initially, the budget amounted to almost twelve million euros, but due to, among other things, the increasingly expensive raw materials, the price tag would already amount to 25 million euros – although that is not immediately a problem for someone who receives two hundred million euros annually from Al Nassr.

Ultimately, the abode must become a place where Ronaldo, his wife Georgina Rodriguez and the five children will be happy. No room for a black hole in the villa, but for an indoor and outdoor swimming pool and a garage in which he can store his twenty luxury cars for a total of more than twenty million euros. And there is more than enough space for two outbuildings, so that his mother Dolores Aveira can also live there.
