Local measures nuisance to asylum seekers | News item

News item | 26-09-2023 | 16:31

The government is making €2,000,000 available to take local and smaller-scale measures against nuisance in public spaces. Municipalities that want to make use of this can submit an application for a so-called Specific Benefit (SPUK).

To support municipalities in taking local measures against nuisance caused by asylum seekers, they can rely on the SPUK scheme. This arrangement gives municipalities the opportunity to determine for themselves which approach best suits their problems. The measures for which this budget is used differ per municipality. This includes the deployment of special investigating officers (BOAs), body cameras, extra camera surveillance, but certainly also preventive measures such as organizing extra (sports) activities.

To request

You can apply for financial compensation via this form. The application must include an action plan in which the core of the problem is substantiated and a proposal states which measures are desirable to reduce or prevent nuisance and crime by asylum seekers. An application must relate to costs incurred between June 1, 2023 and December 31, 2024. Applications can be submitted from October 1, the deadline for submitting an application is November 1, 2023.


The amount of the benefit to be applied for depends on the number of childcare places within a municipality:

  • Municipalities that have fewer than 1,000 shelter places according to the administrative agreement with the COA can apply for a maximum of 100,000 euros including VAT. This also applies to municipalities without an administrative agreement with the COA, but which do experience nuisance from residents of reception locations in other municipalities.
  • Municipalities with a minimum of 1,000 and a maximum of 1,499 shelter places according to the administrative agreement with the COA can apply for a maximum of 150,000 euros including VAT.
  • Municipalities with 1,500 places or more can apply for a maximum of 200,000 euros including VAT.

Order of submission

Applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis until the total budget has been exhausted. If this is the case, we will report it on this page.
