Local Interest Elim wants to move village house

Local Interest Elim wants to move Elim’s village hall from its current location ‘t Vonder to the vacant De Open Deur association building. The building of the reformed church offers more possibilities for activities.

The Open Door in the center of Elim is still owned by the Reformed Church, across the Dorpsstraat. In view of a possible church merger, the costs and the effort to find volunteers, the church is putting the building up for sale. Local Interest wants the municipality of Hoogeveen to seize the opportunity to house the village hall there.

More space

In contrast to the current village hall ‘t Vonder, in a former school, De Open Deur offers opportunities for theater performances and funerals due to the larger halls.

“If it comes into private hands and is lost as a social function, this would mean that there is no or insufficient space for funerals, theater and other activities. The meeting and association space will also be limited,” writes Local Interest in a letter to the city ​​council and the college of mayor and aldermen.

The hall space in the village has recently decreased because Café De Casteleyn with a large hall was sold and converted into apartments.

Last year Elim received money from the provincial subsidy pot Vitaal Platteland for the development of a new social facility. A feasibility study is now being carried out with that money.

Need extra money

For Local Interest, however, the choice has already been made. “The building is more beautiful, centrally located and it has traditionally been the place where many activities take place,” says chairman Jan Benjamins. The municipality has to come up with money for that.

The building has to be bought from the church, the current village hall can be sold by the municipality, which owns it. “‘t Vonder is well suited for housing,” said the chairman. “De Open Door will still require some money, including for renovation and adjustments.”

The fact that the municipality of Hoogeveen is currently cutting back on village houses does not detract from the wishes of Local Interest. “That is separate from this, we are not involved in that. We want the village hall to be preserved and we think De Open Deur is the most suitable for this.”

Benjamins says that the associations in the village also find the switch logical. “In March we want to organize a walk-in evening for residents to hear what they think.”


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