Lluís Rabell leaves Barcelona City Council “for a few weeks” to undergo surgery

The councilor of the socialist group Lluís Rabell announced by surprise this Tuesday that temporarily leave his responsibilities as a councilor Barcelona government to face a emergency operation and subsequent treatment. The councilor currently heads the district of Horta-Guinardó and the areas of Education, Seniors and Pla de Barris.

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In two publications on the social network In addition to the emergency operation, he will have to “follow regulated treatment.” He will take his case to the Hospital Clínic, he has detailed.

For this reason, he announces that “for a few weeks” he will leave his responsibilities at Barcelona City Council to concentrate on recovery. He will transfer the different functions that he performs to government colleagues, managers and collaborators, he said. Rabell, 69, is a translator by profession and has been a neighborhood activist for many years. He was president of the FAVB from 2011 to 2015, a position that he left to hold a deputy position in the Parliament of Catalonia for the following two years in the ranks of En Comú Podem. He progressively distanced himself from the purple party until he signed for the PSC, which included him on the electoral list for the May elections as Jaume Collboni’s number 7, as an independent.
