Lizzo meets Schikking in plagiaatzaak rond ‘Truth Hurts’ | showbizz

Details about the shipping will never be given, but the right amount will be paid for that part of your own right. The army is the right of Justin and Jeremiah Raisen and Justin Rothman in a span of the Americas to a greater extent. The three songwriters considered that Lizzo de Koek for ‘Truth Hurts’ had done with the number ‘Healthy’, that they considered that one writing session. Onder meer de zin ‘I just took a DNA test, turns out I’m 100 percent that bitch’ zou uit het number ‘Healthy’ come.

The trio beweerde dat Lizzo “nooit a Grammy Award for het number won so hebben zonder de bijdragen van de Raisens en Rothman op het vlak van productie en songwriting.” Lizzo acknowledged the fact that he spoke of plagiarism.
