Liz Truss, the mutant who wanted to emulate Margaret Thatcher (and only lasted 45 days)

With his arrival at Downing Street at the age of 47, Liz Truss culminated a zigzagging political career. A succession of rudder strokes following the course of their own ambitions. He fulfilled the most important of all, but it has only lasted 45 days, in which, historical coincidences, he has had to live the death of the queen Isabel II. The student enrolled in Liberal Democrats Party at Oxford University, she presented herself as the defender of aged essences of Conservative Party. Who from that student tribune asked in 1994 the abolition of the monarchy He has participated in several cabinets of His Majesty and went to Balmoral to receive from the queen the commission to form a government two days before his death. the one he did campaign in favor of staying in Europe defends without blushing the most extreme form of Brexit and said it was ready for confrontation with Brussels. The moderate deputy who promoted david cameron it was the prime minister of the hardest conservatives.

Populist, but without charisma, to the long-lived members on whose vote his future depended, he told them during the primaries the economic and ideological fantasies they wanted to hear. They have rewarded her loyalty to Boris Johnson, who covertly supported her. Truss touted her enthusiasm for the neoliberalisma further deregulationand a plan that the experts did not know how to square and could cost billions, of cutting taxes while boosting growth, not taking into account runaway inflation. He also intended to reduce the Social Security quota with which public health is fed, which is increasingly deteriorating. In 2012 she co-authored a rookie Conservative book entitled ‘Britain Unchained’, in which she warned of the decline of the UK economy if the role of the state was not reduced.

voracious appetite for advertising

Truss is into self-promotion and has a voracious appetite for advertising. She has been accused by her own colleagues of appropriating “merits that she does not deserve” and of lack intellectual weight. With little gift for oratory (“sounds like a robot with half-broken circuits,” he has said of her), he clings to catchphrases that he repeats mechanically. Even in her party, where less than a third of the ‘Tory’ deputies voted for her in the first phase of the election, they doubt her ability to assume the leadership of the Government. She was someone who just hadn’t been taken very seriously.

Truss’s political ups and downs may not be surprising in Westminster circles, but they have made her the black sheep of her family. The eldest of three other brothers, the Conservative leader was born in Oxford in a “very left-wing” middle-class home, as she has commented, where she voted Labor. Her mother, a nurse and member of the Committee for Nuclear Disarmament, took her to demonstrations against Margaret Thatcher. Her father, Emeritus Professor of Pure Mathematics at the University of Leeds, is according to one of her colleagues, “horrified” at the “conversion” of his daughter “to extreme right-wing politics”.

The extramarital affair

After flirting with the Liberals while studying for a degree in philosophy, politics and economics, Truss saw fit to enlist with the Conservatives. She worked as an economist for Shell and at Cable and Wireless and married an accountant, Hugh O’Leary, who has so far remained anonymous. The marriage has two teenage daughters, Liberty and Frances. After a couple of failed attempts to get into Parliament, in 2010 David Cameron propelled her into a safe seat in South West Norfolk. local affiliates They were about to disqualify the candidate and cut short her career, when it was discovered that he had had an affair with a Tory MP, Mark Field. It cost him the marriage. She avoided being disqualified and eventually managed to become a parliamentarian. Only two years later she entered the Cabinet and since then she has been climbing the ladder and occupying different positions in the teams of the last three prime ministers (Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson).

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May appointed her Lord Chancellor, at the head of the Ministry of Justice, but dismissed her in less than a year because the position, they say, was too big for her. As foreign minister, Truss has challenged Brussels by promoting the law that unilaterally breaks with the Northern Ireland protocol. A trade confrontation with Europe in the midst of the UK’s worst economic crisis in decades would be disastrous especially for the British.

The alleged reincarnation of Thatcher

From the springboard of Exteriors, Truss has actively cultivated an image on social media of woman of actionlooking for resemblance to the iconography of Margaret Thatcher. There was a photo, similar to that of the iron lady, on top of a tank, another on a fighter plane and one more in Moscow’s Red Square wearing a fake fur hat, while she proclaimed “stand up to Vladimir Putin” . In the debates on television, she has appeared with the blouse tied around her neck that her predecessor wore so many times. The parody provoked ridicule and jokes, but has apparently worked with aging conservative affiliates eager to believe in the reincarnation.
