Liz Cheney against Donald Trump, duel in 2024?

That the Republican congresswoman Liz Cheney lost this Tuesday in Wyoming the primaries for the legislative that the United States celebrates in november it was perhaps unavoidable. That this defeat means that the 56-year-old politician throws in the towel could not be further from the truth.

Main banner of the denunciation of the “lies and conspiracies” donald trump Around the 2020 elections that he lost to Joe Biden, Cheney did not take even 24 hours after suffering a harsh punishment at the state polls to present the documentation to the Federal Electoral Commission to establish a Political Action Committee (PAC). And this Wednesday, in a television interview, he acknowledged that he is & rdquor;thinking” introduce oneself at primaries for the 2024 presidential electiona decision that will be made “in the coming months & rdquor ;.

“Whatever it takes & rdquor;

Cheney doesn’t mince words. She has promiseddo whatever it takes to keep Trump outside the Oval Office”. And before making the decision on that potential presidential candidacy, he already has other ways to try to fulfill that goal.

Her spokesperson has told ‘Politico’ that the congresswoman will launch “one or moreorganization to educate citizens American on the threat going to our republic”. And before leaving his seat (something that seven of the ten Republican congressmen who supported subjecting Trump to his second impeachment will also surely do) he still has to complete his role as vice president of the special committee of Congress who investigates the storming the Capitol.

Although the final report of the committee is not expected until decemberin September public sessions return, which in their first phase were devastating for Trump. Also next month it is expected that a Preliminary report.

Criticism of the Republicans

Cheney is impassive in the face of the Republicans’ rejection, no matter how forceful it may have been, confirming the strengthened Trump’s power over the party. In Wyominga conservative state where his last name is the closest thing to Republican royalty and where in the primaries just two years ago he got 73% of the votes, this time he has stayed in a pyrrhic 29%. His rival, Harriet Hageman, who in the past came to describe Trump as “racist and xenophobic & rdquor; but she is a convert to trumpism and has embraced ‘the big lie’ about the non-existent electoral fraud, she took 66% of the votes.

For Cheney, the priority is to stop Trump’s return in any way, but it is also denounce the drift of their own traininggiven over to what she defines as a “personality cult” of the former president. And it is no coincidence that he has baptized his PAC “The great task & rdquor ;.

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The phrase is taken from Abraham Lincoln Civil War speech at Gettysburg in which he called to ensure that “the government of the people, by the people and for the people does not disappear from the earth & rdquor ;. And on Tuesday, when he was accepting his defeat, Cheney warned: “The survival of democracy is not guaranteed. Our nation is headed full speed ahead again. crisis, anarchy and violence. No American should support those who deny (fair) elections to any position of genuine responsibility.”

Trump celebrated Cheney’s defeat on Tuesday, which he insulted as “crazy” and labeling his words and actions as “spiteful and prudish”. “I can finally disappear into the depths of political oblivion”, the former president wrote in Truth. That is not Cheney’s plan, nor his immediate future.
