Living well is not a dream: the 5 happiest cities in Europe

Ststressed, in the middle of traffic, with an agenda full of appointments. How many times in this situation it was decided to drop everything and escape to a hermitage away from the chaos. But if this is really a dream that you want to turn into reality, no need to be so extreme and even go up a mountain, just choose one of the 5 happiest cities in Europe.

Escape the chaos, but where?

There are many classifications of this kind, and one of the most recent is the one published by the site Europelanguagejobs.

But what exactly does “happier cities” mean? It means cities in which to live would make one fully satisfied with one’s life. City where work does not take up all day, where salaries allow you to live peacefully as you wish, but there are also career opportunities if that is the path you want to take. Where i services are excellent and cultural vivacity is not optional.

First in the ranking Aalborg, a little-known town in Denmark.

In the happiest cities in Europe

To put it this way, it seems impossible that such cities exist and, instead, surprisingly, they exist. And they are not even that far from Italy.

Wabi Sabi, what is Japanese happiness

Starting from the fifth place, there is the very pretty city of Graz, Austria. A relaxed and joyful city, its historic center is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Life here is peaceful and everything is surrounded by serenity.

From Zurich to…

In fourth place, there is Zurich, Switzerland. Several polls have deemed it the best city in the world in terms of quality of life. It is certainly the richest in Europe and with a low tax rate, it is the perfect place for business.

In third place instead the Icelandic capital, Reykjavik. The city is a popular destination for those looking to see the Northern Lights and immerse themselves in nature and wildlife. But this extreme aspect coexists perfectly with the modernity of a lively and dynamic city.

Second is Copenhagen. About the picturesque Danish capital, suffice it to say that it’s consistently voted one of the most livable cities in the world.

In first place, therefore, a city instead unknown to most: it is about Aalborg, Denmark. The small town deserves the top spot for several reasons: first of all, the unemployment rate is almost nil. The same goes for safety and the relationship between wages and cost of living: both excellent.

Change life? An investment

In short, wanting to change your life is easier said than done. That said, it is also true that investments don’t always have to have an economic meaning. Perhaps investing in a life that makes you feel better, that makes you live and feel betterin short, in happiness, it can be worth much more than any amount.

