Living on a monkey rock? Of course! It is possible in this owner-occupied apartment

There are regular special houses for sale in the municipality of Zoetermeer. From tiny terraced houses to spacious villas. There is now a four-room apartment on a so-called monkey rock for sale. huh? Are you watching?

The small-scale apartment complex at Douzapad 21 in the Palenstein district has staggered terraces on the outside of the building. The terraces at the bottom are the largest and then get a smaller and smaller surface. This forms the special architecture of the building. Popularly called the monkey rock.

Watching monkeys

This house is a ground floor apartment from 1978. The advantage is that the residents have a sunny patio garden on the ground floor. So you are at the bottom of the monkey rock, but you don’t have to be afraid of ‘monkey watching’ here. The house is enclosed by a fence and green plants so that no one can look into your house. But you can peek at passers-by.

Let’s talk numbers

The asking price of this house is 395,000 euros. What do you get in return? A neatly furnished four-room apartment with three bedrooms, a complete kitchen with appliances, a handy utility room, luxurious bathroom and a sunny patio garden. Both Stadshart and Dorpsstraat can be reached within ten minutes by bike or car, so you can quickly do your shopping or grab a drink on a terrace.

Pictures say more than a thousand words

Curious what it looks like? Have a look here:

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