Livet Series: Andrea is a mother – spouse has to defend

Andrea Westerlund talks about the hurtful comments in the Livet series.

To protect her family, Andrea Westerlund has had to break up completely with some people. Yle

Andrea Westerlund is mentally retarded. His diagnosis is a mild developmental disorder, as he says Livet – Finnish-Swedish stories series.

– I have a mild developmental disability and mental health problems. I can’t be in large crowds and I can’t concentrate. Learning some things takes more time for me, he describes Minna Almarkin under the guidance of.

For some, it directly means Andrea can’t be a good mother. He has had to fight such stupid prejudices while raising his little son Haraldia. Of course, the family also includes the baby’s father, who has also been criticized.

– Many have told Harald’s father how he could have had a child with that. They have referred to my diagnosis, Andrea says of the hurtful comments.

– They think I can’t take care of myself because I can’t do the usual work like them. That’s why they think I’m worse than they are, Andrea says of the wrong conclusions.

Taking care of Harald is everything to Andrea. Yle

With her pregnancy and becoming a mother, Andrea has found that not all of the people who thought they knew her really knew anything about it.

– I don’t think anyone can say anything to anyone. That’s why I’ve broken my gap with some people.

For her actions, Andrea has been criticized as a tough person. However, behind his train of thought is vissi logic.

– It’s also about Harald. If I don’t think someone is a good mother, Harald isn’t welcome either. I interpret it that way.

Retired Andrea would not be able to work eight-hour days in a stressful environment. Yle

Livet – Finnish-Swedish stories today at Teema & Femi at 19.50 & in the Arena. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
