Livestream Rolling Stones: All details about “Hackney Diamonds”

As announced, the Rolling Stones presented their new album “Hackney Diamonds” on Wednesday (September 6, 2023). At the Hackney Theater in London, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards and Ronnie Wood revealed all the details.

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The first single is called “Angry”. The album “Hackney Diamonds” will be released on October 20th.

Keith on the title: “We’re a London band and wanted to honor that.” Mick: “If your windscreen gets smashed on a Saturday night, typical in Hackney…”

Mick and Ronnie about the duration of the recording: “23 songs, recorded around Christmas, mixed in January and with a deadline in February”. Twelve go on the plate.”

On the loss of Charlie Watts, Keith says: “He remains our fourth band member and is looking down on us right now. We miss him terribly. Steve Jordan now replaces him. Charlie gave us his blessing before he died.”

Mick: “Two songs were recorded with Charlie in 2019”. Bill Wyman plays bass on one of the two Watts songs. This means that the Rolling Stones were reunited in the line-up from 1975 at least for one piece.

Keith: “We also talked about ‘Hit and Run’ and ‘Smash and Grab’ as possible album titles.”

Keith: “The riff on ‘Angry’ is very funky.” Mick: ‘Bite my Head off’ is about girlfriends who can be very angry with you.” Ronnie: “Dreamy Skies’ is about lying on the beach and listening to Hank Williams.” Keith: “Tell me straight”? I can tell you straight up that I have no idea what the song is about.”

Mick: “In the studio you first play for yourself. Only then do you ask yourself – if we like it, will others like it too?”

Mick: “I don’t have a favorite Stones song, sorry.” Keith: “‘Gimme Shelter’ and ‘Jumpin’ Jack Flash'”.

Mick: The secret to a happy marriage? Don’t talk to each other too often.”

After that, the Stones made things exciting. The video premiere of “Angry” was supposed to take place at 4 p.m. – instead there was music on hold on the band’s YouTube channel.

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