Liverpool FC | Mega praise for Jürgen Klopp: “Managed to reinvent himself”

This season, Liverpool FC is preparing to become English champions again for four years. The fact that the Reds are suddenly back at the forefront of the Premier League is primarily thanks to German team manager Jürgen Klopp. At least that’s what former national goalkeeper René Adler emphasized.

The 37-year-old highlighted the special performance of Liverpool FC, which is now back at the top after fifth place last year and is currently in second place in the Premier League table, just one point behind leaders Arsenal FC.

“The Reds have managed to reinvent themselves again. They may not have completely completed the change and replaced every departure one-to-one. As a team, however, the Reds have captured their vision and are therefore also in the race for the Premier League trophy,” said René Adler in his “Sky” column.

“Even if a player is out, it doesn’t matter to them at all in terms of performance. The Klopp team accepts that, goes their way, keeps scoring points and is at the top. That commands respect from me. Liverpool is a role model – not just in sport, but also for life,” said the former goalkeeper, who looked enthusiastically at Liverpool’s recent performances in the Premier League.

Klopp has been at Liverpool FC for eight years

However, the biggest challenge for the 19-time English champion is yet to come, namely when superstar Mohamed Salah will be unavailable for the Africa Cup for weeks at the beginning of 2024 and will therefore not be available. With twelve goals this season in 18 appearances, the Egyptian is once again the top scorer for his club.

Adler is now certain that Jürgen Klopp’s team can compete for its first championship title since 2020 in the coming half-year: “Even in view of Manchester City’s recurring weak phase around Christmas time, it is now important to collect point by point, in order to be able to be at the top in the end. Because in my opinion, the Cityzens will appear stabilized at the back and come back. A cushion would therefore be good for the Reds. In terms of mentality, Liverpool are an incredible team and have the cards to collect the necessary points. “

German coach Klopp has been working at Liverpool for over eight years now, making him the longest-serving team manager in the Premier League.
