LIVE WAR UKRAINE. Zelensky Addresses UN Security Council: “Worst War Crimes in Ukraine Since World War” | War Ukraine and Russia

What you need to know to join:

• Since the start of economic sanctions against Russia Belgium blocked 196.4 billion euros in prohibited transactions and became 2.7 billion worth of Russian assets in our country were frozen. This is evident from figures from Minister of Finance Vincent Van Peteghem (CD&V). The frozen funds come from the 877 persons and 62 entities on the European sanctions list to stand.

• From a satellite image analysis by The New York Times shows that the many dead found in the Ukrainian city of Butja have been lying there for weeks† That conclusion contradicts Russia’s claim that the bodies were deposited there on or about March 30, after Russian troops had left. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accuses Russia of “genocide† Several world leaders speak of war crimes and call for tougher sanctions.

• Since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the United Nations recorded deaths of 1,417 civilians in Ukraine† Among them were 121 children and young peoplesaid the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. The UN assumes that the actual number of victims is much higher.
