LIVE WAR UKRAINE. Ukraine Deputy Prime Minister: 4,000 people evacuated – Power restored to old Chernobyl nuclear power plant | War Ukraine and Russia

What you need to know to join:

• The peace negotiations go between Russia and Ukraine further today. According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky the talks with Moscow are difficult.

• The High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has since the beginning of the war in Ukraine 636 civilian deaths counted, among whom 46 children and young people† In addition, the OHCHR also counted 1,125 injured.

• The number of refugees from Ukraine has risen to over 2.8 million, according to figures from the UN refugee agency UNHCR. The UN previously spoke of “the fastest growing refugee crisis since WWII”.

• The 64-kilometer Russian convoy, which was stationary for a long time near the Ukrainian capital Kiev, is now largely dispersed. This can be seen on new satellite images. The Russian troops have approached within 25 kilometers of Kiev, according to the British.

• The Dutch ex-lieutenant general Mart de Kruif sees it gloomy for Kiev: “I see the Grozny scenario unfolding”.

• Belgium already has assets frozen for EUR 10 billion because of the financial sanctions on Russian oligarchs, banks, companies, politicians and other figures in President Vladimir Putin’s entourage.
