LIVE WAR UKRAINE. “Bootsja massacre is just the tip of the iceberg” | Instagram VTM NEWS

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Russia has the UN Security Council urged to meet in emergency session to speak out about the events in Butsha, where after the withdrawal of the Russians hundreds of civilian bodies were discovered. There will be no extra session. The Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accuses Russia of “genocide† Several world leaders speak of war crimes and call for tougher sanctions.

• Since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the United Nations recorded the deaths of 1,417 civilians in Ukraine. Among them were 121 children and young peoplesaid the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. The UN assumes that the actual number of victims is much higher.

• The NATO warns that we should not misunderstand the situation. †Russian troops are not withdrawing, but repositioning themselves† There is talk of a regrouping in the eastern Donbas region† At the same time, Russia is keeping pressure on Kiev and other cities. so we can additional offensive actions which will cause even more suffering,” said Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg.
