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Biden after German president’s visit: “We will continue to support Ukraine”

Joe Biden has the German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier assured that “it can be relied upon” that the US will continue to support Ukraine. Both presidents wanted to “send a strong signal” during a meeting at the White House on Friday. Furthermore, Biden also said he believes in a solution to the political chaos currently prevailing within the US Congress.

In the emergency budget which was approved in the US this weekend, does not include aid for Ukraine, freezing additional aid to Ukraine for the next 45 days. But Biden wanted to emphasize to the American and Ukrainian people and allies on Sunday that they can continue to count on support from Washington. Now he repeated that message again.

Steinmeier announced on Thursday evening surprise visit to bring to Washington.

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (left) with his American counterpart Joe Biden. © Photo News


Washington dismisses two Russian diplomats in retaliation

Washington has Friday two Russian diplomats were shown the door after Moscow last month two Americans had been deported from the country. “In response to the unwarranted deportation (…) the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has op acted the same way by declaring two Russian embassy officials in the US personae non gratae,” said spokesman Matthew Miller.

On September 14, Russia announced that it would deport two Americans. They were accused of acting as “liaison agent” for a former Russian associate, Robert Shonov. The latter was arrested earlier this year on charges of passing information to the US about the war in Ukraine.

Miller further emphasized that the US “continues the Russian government’s pattern of intimidation of our diplomats not tolerate“.


Moldova accuses Wagner group of attempted coup

The Russian mercenary army Wagner has a coup in the Eastern European republic Moldavia planned. The plan was to bribe voters and turn anti-government protests into violence. Moldovan President Maia Sandu said this in an interview with the Financial Times. “The situation is real dramaticand we must protect ourselves,” it reads.

Money would from Russia to Moldova have been smuggled, partly with money couriers, partly through bank accounts in Dubai. It is not clear when exactly the coup would take place. At the beginning of this year there were already warnings of an impending coup. In March, the Moldovan government announced that it had arrested a Wagner mercenary.

Sandu states that the coup plan was still being developed by the team of those who have since died Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin. The mercenary army fought for a long time alongside the regular Russian army in Ukraine and became known there, among other things bloody battle for the city of Bachmut. However, Prigozhin later sharply criticized the Russian military leadership and initiated a campaign in June march on the Russian capital Moscow, which he canceled the same day. Two months later collapsed a plane with Prigozhin on board down on Russian territory.

A cause before the crash is still official not known. Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that the accident was caused by an onboard grenade and that there were no indications that the plane was hit by anything from outside. Political observers suspect the Kremlin however, of being behind the crash.


Ukraine and Russia exchange dead soldiers

Ukraine and Russia once again exchanged killed soldiers: the remains of 64 Ukrainian soldiers returned home, Kiev sent back an unknown number of bodies of killed Russians.

The exchange of killed or captured soldiers is one of the few topics on which there is contact between Kiev and Moscow. Observers point out that more soldiers were exchanged in 2022, the year Russia invaded Ukraine.


Russia is considering withdrawing from the treaty that guarantees a ban on nuclear tests

For the time being, Russia is still bound by a treaty that guarantees a complete ban on nuclear tests. However, it will be discussed on Monday whether an exit is in order. Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin said this.

Yesterday, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that such a decision would be a symmetrical response to the United States, which never ratified the treaty. “The situation in the world has changed. Washington and Brussels have unleashed a war against our country. Today’s challenges require a different approach,” Volodin said.

Vladimir Putin at the table with Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin.
Vladimir Putin at the table with Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin. © via REUTERS
